Click on the links below to hear interviews that Ridges & Furrows has conducted in North Hykeham and discover stories from its history.
Life in the Foundry | Ray Allen describes the layout and conditions in the Ley's Malleable.
Interviewer: Dave Reeves.
21 February 2017, The Ark Church Hall.
North Hykeham: A Separate Identity? | Andrew Long contemplates whether North Hykeham has a separate identity from Lincoln, using examples of a country dance club and the church.
Interviewer: Danny Pedler.
14 March 2017, The Ark Church Hall.
Delph Road through a Child's Eyes | Denise Temple talks about her childhood in North Hykeham.
Interviewer: Ray Allen, Danny Pedler.
14 March 2017, The Ark Church Hall.
Benny Bell | Denise Temple remembers a local character from her childhood and the tactical friend making by local children to use Bell's swimming pool.
Interviewer: Ray Allen, Danny Pedler.
14 March 2017, The Ark Church Hall.
Childhood Haunts | Al Duncombe talks about her childhood haunts when she was growing up in the mid-60s.
Interviewer: Danny Pedler, Dave Reeves.
27 April 2017, The National Centre for Craft & Design.
Miss Grinter and the Bull | Al Duncombe describes a day at school where the formidable Miss Grynter dealt with a stray bull.
Interviewer: Danny Pedler, Dave Reeves.
27 April 2017, The National Centre for Craft & Design.
Iconic Places for a North Hykeham Child | Al Duncombe talks about finding a fossil and her curiosity about the object.
Interviewer: Dave Reeves, Danny Pedler.
27 April 2017, The National Centre for Craft & Design.
From Legions to Milk Floats: Changing Traffic on Newark Rd. | Al Duncombe describes the traffic on Newark Rd. during her childhood and North Hykeham's community.
Interviewer: Danny Pedler, Dave Reeves.
27 April 2017, The National Centre for Craft & Design.
Oil Drums & Freshwater Pearls | Al Duncombe describes her childhood playing in the gravel pits.
Interviewer: Danny Pedler, Dave Reeves.
27 April 2017, NCCD
A day in the life of a North Hykeham child | Pauline Sharp's childhood.
Interviewer: Ray Allen and Danny Pedler.
4 April 2017, North Hykeham.
Knights of the Road | Mick and Geoff Thorpe describing some adventurous travellers.
Interviewer: Dave Reeves
23 October 2017, Millsmere Rd. Waddington
The Newsboy and the General Strikers | Bill Goodhand remembers delivering newspapers to former General Strikers in North Hykeham. Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 25 April 2017
Two farming families of North Hykeham | Bill Goodhand remembers the Roe family and the Large family.
Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 25 April 2017, Welbourn.
Mr Grinter through the screen | Bill Goodhand remembers Primary School and hearing Mr Grinter in the next classroom. Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 25 April 2017, Welbourn.
Main Occupations in North Hykeham | Bill Goodhand talks about the main occupations for people when he was a boy. Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 25 April 2017, Welbourn.
The First House on Moor Lane | David Lanes, Anne Lanes and Joanne Borrill discuss the first housing built on Moor Lane. Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 10 January 2018, Moor Lane, North Hykeham.
Taking Cows to Pasture along the A46 | Anne Lanes, David Lanes and Joanne Borrill discuss dairy cows on the A46. Interviewer: Dave Reeves. 10 January 2018, Moor Lane, North Hykeham.